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Showing posts from March, 2019
Apparently anti-Semitic Republican U.S. Representative Kevin McCarthy, in a fit of fascist irony (who knew they were capable of it ?) accused U.S. Democratic Representative of California's 28th Congressional District  Adam Shiff of McCarthyism for wanting to see the report the Trump Administration wrote claiming to exonerate the Trump Administration. Adam Schiff was born in and raised Framingham, Massachusetts until moving to California with his Jewish family while in highschool and graduated from Stanford before recieving his post graduate degree at the same university Joseph Kennedy's  three heroically Liberal sons attended. Accusing Representative Schiff of throwing around accusations like Joe Kennedy Sr's  friend and fellow fascist Catholic Joe McCarthy, he neglected to mention that Adam Shiff had been a U .S. Attorney who successfully Prosecuted ex F.B.I agent Richard Miller of selling secrets to the Russians. It was the first case of an F.B.I agent...

newspaper letters links . . / / /,421949
Reading is how Alexandria Ocasio Cortez won 2nd place in the 2007 Intel International Science Fair which helped her and Mass. Senator Ed Markey draft  #thegreennewdeal before Republicans learned Exxon and Mobil were two of the oil companies called the 7 Sisters formed by the anti trust break up of Standard Oil in 1911 by President Taft after Alta Rockefeller Prentice purchased Mt. Hope Farm in Williamstown in 1910. Or that the Shah of Iran's family moved to Williamstown in 1979 after BP was formed as the Anglo Iranian Oil Company after oil was discovered in Iran then nationalized then after a CIA coup called Operation Ajax the oil was taken over by BP again and that BP was a merger between 7 sister Standard Oil of Ohio and Seven sSster Amoco. Socialist DARPA and FDR's National Science Foundation created the internet that gave us Wikipedia, Gerald and President 41 Bush was a founder of the company that merged with Pennzoil, former Standard Oil branch South Penn Oil and Seven...
Key points 'A disproportionate number of fatal road injuries occur after dark' Key points 'A disproportionate number of fatal road injuries occur after dark' Inj Prev. 2006 Apr; 12(2): 125–128. doi: 10.1136/ip.2005.011056 PMCID: PMC2564438 PMID: 16595429 S Plainis, I J Murray, and I G Pallikaris Author information Article notes Copyright and License information Disclaimer S Plainis, I G Pallikaris, Institute of Vision and Optics (IVO), School of Health Sciences, University of Crete, Crete, Greece I J Murray, Faculty of Life Sciences, University of Manchester, Manchester, UK Correspondence to: Dr S Plainis Institute of Vision and Optics (IVO), School of Health Sciences, University of Crete, PO Box 2208, 71003, Heraklion, Crete, Greece; / Here are the top 10 health concerns linked to meat consumption. 'Heart Disease. Cancer. Stroke. Because meat causes blocka...
National Institutes of Health say night driving has a disproportionally high number of traffic fatalities which is why daylight savings time saves American lives. Enemies of America know this, they also know vaccines are dangerous and avoiding vaccines leads to epidemical deaths. Meat is a cause of most diseases prevented by vaccines while petroleum air polution causes most diseases not prevented by vaccines. #prolifeprochoice #axisofmeatandgas wiki says u s motor vehicle deaths per million people (orange line) dropped after daylight savings time was implemented during ww1 + ww2 and again after the uniform time act of 1966 when wiki says  dst was enacted again causing motor vehicle deaths / million people to plummet after it had begun to rise again from 1945 to 1966 there was no federal law implementing daylight savings time business insider april 20th, 2016 bdn send a letter