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sitting ducks

Nasime Sabz Aghdam was a passionate animal rights supporter who believed she was being discriminated against by YouTube because she was vegan and promoted animal welfare in her quirky, interesting videos, which she claimed were being filtered. 

But why would YouTube filter a vegan channel just when veganism ( a 3% increase in plant based diet creates a 10% decreased risk of death ) was becoming the fastest growing lifestyle movement in history ? 

Her videos saw a drastic decrease in views after YouTube changed its monetization policies due to the advertiser boycott known as the Adpocalypse in April 2017, which spurned videos even slightly out of the white bread mainstream. 

 She had a cush job with her father's electrical contracting company to pay for her artisticly designed costumes and video gear. 

So why would an ethical vegan in this age of mass shootings give up her life for $55 to $884 per month social blade estimated she had been making, just to wound three people at lunchtime with a 9 millimeter Smith and Wesson with two ten round magazines ? says that while only four percent of the u s population hunts, they kill over 200 million animals per year while vegan peace adds that 3.4 million shot and wounded ducks and geese in the U.S. and Canada go unretrieved each year. 

God, who also was a vegan, said in the books of law and books of prophets "do unto others as you'd have done unto yourselves." 

BDN letters Saturday, April 21 th, 2018


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