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A few months after 2015 Walter Scott shooting and  A.M.E.  Church shooting I was sitting at a bus stop on Orleans road in West Ashley, South Carolina just across the Ashley River from North Charleston with a charming lady whose phone battery had died after mentioning she had gone to high school with Darius Rucker.

Told her about Bernie after sharing one of my phone chargers but she said she didn't vote anymore because the system was rigged.

All I could say was the best way to beat the rigging is for a lot of people to vote so the discrepancy between the exit polling and the recorded results is apparent.

Pew research says the U.S. has one of the lowest voter turnouts of any industrialized nation with 55.70% of the voting aged population showing up in 2016 to vote while Australia, by comparison has 79.86% of it's voting age population voting.

Exit polls from TDMS Research show Bernie Sanders winning many states where he lost the recorded vote in the Democratic Primary and Hillary Clinton winning many states the recorded vote says she lost in the general election.

Jill Stein was blocked by judges from her constitutional right to have the private corporation voting machine source code, which has never been tested for errors or malicious coding that could alter vote tallies, independently audited.

Wikipedia says exit polls have historically been used to check the degree of election

Non carborundum.

david farmer writes today in the bdn


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