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was david rockefeller vain ?

 - 'god's' twitter

- 'carly's' fb

awww :'< was ready for a big celebration in november and now carly's sis has died 

- ny  times october 21, 2022

variety says her other sister joanna died the day before:

- paul's twitter

what happened to alanis morissette at the rehersals ?:

- mastodon

hmmm alanis morissette, carly simon and rosanna arquette are mentioned in here:

eric is from williamstown and is a popular entertainer in tokyo

- google

- musicholics

- independent uk  november, 2015

'your so vain' wiki

- [11] quote from redbook

- rhino records

now we know where the gavotte probably took place:

- purple clover

- amazon

nick delbanco wiki

literary bennington

nick delbanco was a visiting professor at williams college in 1982:

encyclopedia .com

- wide open country


- ooh there's more !:


so whenever you hear the conspiracy theorists complain about the council of foreign relations, the bilderberger group, the trilateral commission, the deep state, the club of rome etc they were really complaining about david rockefeller, who chaired and founded almost all of those groups,  but they dare not say his name

- - -

and now it looks like david rockefeller was one of the 3 men who inspired 'you're so vain'


the rockefeller family had 3 private jets at their disposal - one a gulfstream - in 1974 (song released in 1972) david owned an equestrian estate, hudson pines (160 miles south of saratoga) which raised horses, his name has a,e and r in it and he would know how to dance the 18th century french dance called 'gavotte' from being a military intelligence officer assigned to france who spoke fluent french during ww2

he also had regular intelligence briefings from a cia officer his whole adult life under orders from allen dulles, his personal friend 

carly simon already admitted that the second verse was about warren beatty, and mick jagger sang back up vocals on the song, and she said nick delbanco had worn the apricot scarf, leaving....'david' as the final clue

in 2011 she released a version where she said she whispers the name of the person who inspired the song and her publicists said at a certain point in the song she whispers the name 'david'

oh she says she said 'ovid' in 2009:

- bbc november 19th, 2015

then a year later, in 2010 she and her staff reiterated the name was whispered in the song and one of the names whispered was 'david'

- 'you're so vain' wiki

sounds like backwards masking at 2.33 :

the rockefellers funded the tavistock institute in england which had reportedly written popular songs for manipulating the public

'tavistock institute and the beatles' fb page

- microsoft news

carly simon is the daughter of the founder of simon & schuster, which occupied many floors of the rockefeller center where the five 3rd generation rockefeller brothers used to have their 'brothers' meetings' 

- new york times 'the cousins'

- david rockefeller wiki under 'later career' below the plaque

- ny times july 8th, 1976

marshall field, who created the famous marshall field's department store in chicago, was born in conway,mass near pittsfield, mass

marshall field lll, his great grandson, created the chicago sun times and purchased simon & schuster publishers in...1944 but it was sold back to simon & schuster for $1 million after marshall field lll died in 1956

elektra, the record company that released the album carly simon's 'you're so vain' was recorded on, was bought by warner brothers before the recording and warner brothers were longtime tenants of the rockefeller center

curiously, edgar bronfman jr began writing lyrics and songs in 1973, the year after 'you're so vain' was released, then after selling off seagram's he took over the warner music group in 2004, which i think still holds the publishing rights to 'you're so vain' as the song's 50th anniversary approaches in 2022

universal music publishing group purchased the carly simon catalogue in 2018:

universal music publishing group wiki

simon & schuster is now a subsidiary of cbs which is a subsidiary of viacom which owns the columbia record company john hammond worked for

hmm but the universal music group apparently  owns the viacom music catalogue:

she likely met the apricot scarf wearer nick delbanco when he was at the rockefeller built and funded columbia university (part of which became rockefeller center) in new york city where he received his masters degree in 1966 while she attended sarah lawrence college in yonkers, north of manhattan, 'for a few years' in the class of 1965, and david rockefeller's assistant richard h dana taught music at rockefeller university, while owning a music publishing group

david rockefeller's personal assistant from '55-'69 was richard henry dana's great grandson -and- henry wadsworth longfellow's great grandson and played a bach gavotte at town hall when he was 11

'Mr. Dana, a warm and witty man with a lifelong interest in the arts, was born in New York, played a Bach gavotte on the piano at Town Hall when he was 11 and became an expert amateur flutist. He graduated from Phillips Exeter Academy in 1930 and magna cum laude from Harvard College in 1934. He served as a lieutenant in the Army in World War II

From 1955 to 1969, Mr. Dana was an assistant to David Rockefeller, concerned with Mr. Rockefeller's personal and philanthopic activities and specializing in cultural and artistic matters. These included the affairs of the Museum of Modern Art, Harvard University, the Center for Inter-American Relations and what is now Rockefeller University.'

- new york times january 8th, 1984

david rockefeller had a lear jet in 1994:

the 2011 'you're so vain' video was shot at columbia university:

'in Brooklyn, Bisogno has been creating short films and comedy skits for a while as well as working on performance pieces with comedy troupe Voodoowop with plenty of content available on YouTube. The director and star of Simon’s “You’re So Vain” music video had about two weeks to complete his entry and it was shot around Columbia University and at Morningside Park.'

- bloginity may 8th 2010

columbia university is where atom was first split

- dan armstrong designed plexiglass guitars


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